Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Has No Idea How To DM Someone On Twitter And It’s Hilarious

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Getty Image

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a man of many talents. He’s a basketball player; an actor; a karate expert; an activist; a writer; and if he learned anything in the movie Airplane!, he may be able to fly a plane.

Although, at 69, it would be nice if relatively new technology didn’t present such a challenge. On Twitter, this morning, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar became Lew All Sender (must credit Ryan Perry of Uproxx) when what appears to be a DM conversation was dumped onto Twitter, which he eventually deleted.

What is happening here? Kareem is clearly not trying to slide into someone’s DMs and getting busted. He’s referring Madeline to Deborah, who based on a quick search, is Deborah Morales in this photo with Kareem and Herbie Hancock. Deborah is on Twitter and represents Kareem and other icons (iconomy, get it?), although almost every photo on that site features Kareem.

Looking through his mentions, no one named Madeline is @’ing him about a business deal, so it’s likely that she’s the one who slid into his DMs first. Kareem doesn’t have open DMs (I have questions about Airplane! so please open them), so it has to be someone among the 323 people he follows trying to make a business deal happen.

But no. Kareem follows Pitbull, Kathy Ireland, and the Empire State Building, but no Madeline. What the heck, Kareem? How did you do this?

“I do not do business like this,” Kareem says. What could that business be? Goat herding? Trapeze artist? Investing in the infrastructure of downtrodden third-world nations? Political assassination? And how does “@TwitterSports” play into this mystery?

Therein lies the answer, as Kareem does follow @TwitterSports, which is run by the “Global Sports Team” at Twitter, which is probably code for three or four people who seemed to spend most of last night retweeting NBA Draft tweets from players and team accounts. What could @TwitterSports, being handled by a Madeline, have been asking Kareem to do that wasn’t up his alley?

Kareem may have deleted his tweets this morning but this isn’t the first time @TwitterSports asked him to do something for them and he tweeted/DM’d back:

Kareem didn’t post anything with a promoted/sponsored vibe between June 8 and today, so whatever @TwitterSports is bugging him about, he’s probably had enough.

(Via Twitter)
