Art Shmart *Fart* and Your Morning Links

Probably the best performance art ever. I know James Franco is behind this somehow. [via Videogum]

Joaquin Phoenix says awards season is bullsh*t and carrots are for A-holes |Film Drunk|

Sprots and Paul Blart Gangster Movie Pitches with Spencer Hall. |Frotcast|

Enough Of That ‘Monster Mash’ Crap: Here Are Some Legitimately Great Halloween Songs |UPROXX|

Cutest damned tarantula dog ever. |FckYeahDementia|

Will Ferrell Is Doing Those Weird Old Milwaukee Commercials In Sweden, And He Has A Mustache Now |Warming Glow|

Sports On TV: Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers’ 20 Greatest Sports Moments |With Leather|

Mugshot Of The Day: Wolverine Got Arrested At A Wedding |Gamma Squad|

QoTD: Why You Frowning At Wyclef’s Bike Photo? |Smoking Section|

The Key & Peele Player Intro Sketch Is A Must-Watch |Kissing Suzy Kolber|

Street graffiti is often art at its purest |theChive|

Nicki Minaj Looks Exactly Like Rita Repulsa From Power Rangers |Buzzfeed|

Donald Trump Tells Robert Pattinson Not To Take Kristen Stewart Back, Is
Very Concerned With This |The Superficial|

Why Is Abruptly Quitting Something Called “Going Cold Turkey”? |Mental Floss|

Miley Cyrus Isn’t Wearing Pants |IDLYITW|

Disney’s First Latina Princess Seems Legit |Daily What|

Claire Danes Crying: The Supercut |Screen Junkies|

Thirty-four terrifying facts you didn’t know about your favorite scary movies |Fark|

Please Don’t Swear |Holy Taco|

Picking Up Chicks ‘Scarface Style’ is Brilliant and Terribly Ineffective |Brobible|

Prince Harry As A Disney Prince |College Humor|

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