Watch Your Favorite Video Game Characters Read Mean Tweets About Themselves

All of us feel sorry for celebrities when they read mean tweets about themselves, but who’s ever spared a thought for all those poor video game characters getting hate tweets on the internet? Did everyone suddenly forget that Link and Princess Peach were people, too?

In order to remind you that your favorite virtual companions have feelings, Big Head Media has put together this video of things you’ve probably screamed at the screen when Wario and Lara Croft weren’t doing exactly what you wanted them to. To be honest, though, early Lara Croft was a problem. And the fact that she eats raw deer meat is kind of gross. But there’s no excuse for hating on Sonic, you guys. He tries really, really hard!

The impersonations aren’t perfect, but it’s a fun watch anyway. Let’s just hope more views mean a bigger budget for the next video.

(Via Big Head Media)
