Chillax With These Links

50 Cats Straight Chillin’ [Uproxx]

Poker Sites Go Up The River [UproxxNews]

What Do You Get A Gorilla For His Birthday? [UproxxNews]

Fun With Sad Kilmer [Filmdrunk]

This Corgi Was Made for the Internet [WarmingGlow]

Soccer mascot mutilates trees for show [WithLeather]

2011 NBA Playoffs: 10 Things To Watch [TSS]

‘Archer’ Supercut [WarmingGlow]

A Gallery of Weird Album Covers [EgoTV]

Virtual Girlfriends You Can Date [UGO]

Amanda Seyfried collects dead animals [WWTDD]

Tea Partier’s Racist Obama E-Mail [Buzzfeed]

Bargument: Ghostface vs. Ghostface Killah [TSJ]

Miley Cyrus: ‘America Hates Me’ [TheSuperficial]

Condoleezza Rice to Guest Star on ’30 Rock’ [TVSquad]

Two Toddlers Just Smoking Cigarettes on a Train in China [Brobible]

New app available for iPad that recreates the sound of vinyl. 24k gold jack audiophile edition to follow [Fark]

Reese Witherspoon Says Her Love Scenes With Robert Pattinson Are ‘Disappointing’ (Now she knows how Jake Gyllalukulele feels. BOOSH) [Moviefone]

VIDEO BELOW: Totally normal day for a cat. [via Pitchfork]

Superchunk – Crossed Wires

[Inset pic via UgliestTattoos]
