Monday Dogs And The Nic Cage Puppeteer

Whitney Houston Dies At 48 |Smoking Section|

UPROXX 2012 Grammy Awards Open Thread |UPROXX|

George Lucas says Greedo ALWAYS shot first, you were just confused |Film Drunk|

Introducing Chun Chun, The Largest Baby Ever Born In China! |With Leather|

Let’s Overanalyze These New ‘Game of Thrones’ Photos |Warming Glow|

UPROXX Attended The LA Premiere Of The Re:Generation Music Project |UPROXX|

Nic Cage Broke His Legendary Time-Traveling Vampire Silence On Letterman |UPROXX|

‘Parks & Rec’ + ‘Friday Night Lights’ = Gold |Warming Glow|

A Valentine’s Day message from Mexican Will Ferrell |Film Drunk|

Kim Kardashian Is Done With Football Players? |With Leather|

15 Best Webcontents of the Week |Adult Swim|

How Do You Play Pool On A Cruise Ship? |I-Am-Bored|

Ahmed Best talks about a deleted Jar Jar Binks scene that really would have redeemed his character and made a huge difference in The Phantom Menace |FARK|

20 People Who Think Oprah Is Whitney Houston |Buzzfeed|

Five Things About the Phantom Menace That Didn’t Suck |Unreality|

Norwegian News Mistakes Joke T-Shirt For Actual Eye Chart |The FW|

In case you missed it on our Facebook page, here’s the greatest toy in the universe |Technabob|

VIDEO BELOW: Meet The Man Inside The Nicolas Cage Costume |via TheOnion|

[Pictures via TheFrogman and TheClearlyDope.]
