Shopping GOOP: 10 ridiculous things Gwyneth Paltrow is trying to sell you

A lot of people seem to have an opinion on most hated person/most beautiful person, Gwyneth Paltrow – and I”m no exception. My opinion is that somewhere deep inside her well-toned core, once you exfoliate past layers and layers of lifelong privilege, you will find a relatively decent human being. I genuinely believe that the intention behind Gwyneth”s lifestyle newsletter/burgeoning linen-and-quinoa empire GOOP is to offer helpful and friendly advice. (If you aren’t familiar with GOOP, I recommend spending a little time with the journal section.) But Gwyneth is just so fundamentally out of touch with reality that she believes what the average person needs most to maintain a healthy lifestyle is a private session with the world”s foremost Pilates expert or a $125 bottle of extra extra extra virgin olive oil — and not, say, access to health insurance.
GOOP has grown from a simple newsletter about gluten-free chicken fingers made out of fish and the best six-star hotels in Beijing into a veritable hub of ecommerce, offering a selection of Gwyneth-approved merchandise. And of course, it”s all totally ridiculous. Here are 10 products that can be yours, provided you have a disposable income and the refinement to appreciate the finer, goopier things in life.