Thor: Ragnarok Director Determined To Make Thunder God More Than Just Abs

Marvel”s Thor: Ragnarok is set to his theaters in November of 2017, but fans area already in deep speculation about this larger-than-life story.

I recently sat down with Thor 3 director Taika Waititi to talk about where the film will take both The Hulk and the Thunder God.

You can read our interview here.

Marvel Still Undecided About Hulk's Development in Thor 3

Waititi stressed that his primary goal was to make Thor the most interesting character in the film, which raises some interesting questions about Loki”s role in this franchise.

We discuss how Marvel may bring the focus back to Thor in the video above and/or below.

Take a look and chat with us here or on Twitter.

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Eric: @eeisenberg

Clarke: @ClarkeWolfe 
