When The ‘Back To The Future’ Porn Parody Hits 69 MPH, You’re Gonna See Some Serious Sh*t

Fap to the Future isn’t the first Back to the Future porn parody — that honor would go to 1986’s Backside to the Future, with the intoxicating tagline, “She’s on an erotic trip in time to experience the ultimate taboo!” — but it is the one with the most DeLoreans made out of dildos. One, one DeLorean (excuse me, DickLorean, which is powered by 1.21 jizzawatts) made out of dildos.

In celebration of Back to the Future Day, the fine perverts over at Wood Rocket released a teaser for Fap, which is due out next month. Lee Roy Myers, who also brought us Gnardians of the Galaxy: 50 Shades of Groot and Strokemon, told io9 it’s just a parody of the first film, so you’ll have to wait for further installments to see Buford “Mad Doggy Style” Tannen.

What happens in this film? It’s about “Marty DickFly taking Cock Brown’s invention back in time. And yes, the machine is powered by 1.21 jizzawatts, and has to get up to 88 orgasms per hour in order to travel through time.” Adds Myers: “We love Back to the Future, and so this is as much an homage to the original as it is the largest group of dick jokes ever assembled in one video.” (Via)

Cock Brown: Obvious, yet refined. Anyway, Fap to the Future is going to be a big hit among those who think Marty should’ve have sex with his mom.

Nasty in the pasty, indeed.

(Via io9)
