The Creator Of ‘Gravity Falls’ Gives The Presidential Hopefuls A ‘Pokemon’ Makeover

Gravity Falls came to an end back in February, bringing a tear to the eyes of fans across the globe. It was a short-lived, but fun series that gave the talents of Alex Hirsch and Dana Terrace time to shine — not to mention inspire plenty of cartoonists to follow in their tracks.

If there’s a silver lining to the end of Gravity Falls, it means Hirsch can show off on Twitter and goof around with current events. Take this series of fantastic presidential Pokemon for example. All of the current candidates (save for John Kasich) get their own special evolution into one of Nintendo’s iconic pocket monsters. Even Ben Carson gets a chance to become one, though it really isn’t much of a surprise.

Above we see Bernie Sanders as a Charmander, Trump becomes Muck, Hillary Clinton is a Butterfree, Lil’ Marco is Diglett, and Carson is himself.

And Hirsch wasn’t alone. Terrace also did a few sketches, turning Ted Cruz into a Hypno — funny, but we really know which Pokemon he would be — and giving Bernie Sanders another role as Psyduck.

Even fans have already gotten into the spirit, giving Hirsch’s Bernie Sanders its own Pokemon card. And it looks pretty bad ass.

(Via Alex Hirsch / Dana Terrace)
