Laura Ingraham Counters ‘Nazi’ Salute Criticism With Clinton Comparison Photos

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The third night of Donald Trump’s Republican Convention was largely swallowed by a surprise move from Ted Cruz, who provoked both ecstasy and disgust from the viewing audience. Cruz gave a speech about himself and flat out refused to say, “I endorse.” His purposeful, off-script ending, which caused his wife and father to require protective escorts, stole the evening away from the keynote speech of vice presidential candidate Mike Pence.

Before all of that happened, conservative radio host Laura Ingraham took the podium and called for unity. She praised Trump, who she believes “respects us enough to tell us the hard truths.” Ingraham also called out the media with a dare: “Do your job. America is onto you! Doing your job is a novel concept.” Unfortunately for Ingraham, the media did do its job while reporting the internet’s reaction to her speech-ending gesture.

And the movement looked even worse in another photo that reveals how she’s “saluting” with Donald Trump on a large screen.

Since the public has grown accustomed to hearing about Nazi salutes at Trump rallies, the internet jumped to the obvious conclusion with Ingraham. Her arm movement will forever live in Giphy infamy: “Did she just…”

Of course, this is how the at-home audience reacted.

Ingraham ignored the controversy for many hours, but finally struck back by tweeting several photos of Hillary Clinton (which we do not have rights to publish) with her arm in the air too. Oh, the scandal!
