‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair Is Getting Name-Dropped In A British Jihadi Trial

Three Islamist jihadists are currently on trial for allegedly planned a beheading on the streets of Britain in the name of Isil on Remembrance Day. According to reports, the men — Nadir Syed, 21, Yousaf Syed, 19, and Haseeb Hamayoon, 27 — were “unnaturally interested in murders and beheadings,” and were planning to murder a police officer or soldier with a “Rambo-style” hunting knife.

Via The Telegraph:

Hamayoon had bought a Rambo-style hunting knife from a website called “bladebargains” and both he and Nadir Syed, who was on police bail at time, had images of police community support officers on their phones.

The men were arrested just days before the annual remembrance events and weeks after Isil preacher Abu Muhammad Al Adnani had encouraged attacks in Western countries in an online call to arms.

Now that we’ve set the horrifying scene, let me make it as absurd as possible: According to Court News UK, the jihadists are all big fans of “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, and Woolwich Crown Court was shown a Flair highlight video to explain their references to him in chat.

No, really.

You’ve got to be careful with those Flair compilations. You could plan a U.S. tour with this one:
