John Oliver Hilariously Went Full Jon Stewart Nemesis On Last Night’s ‘Daily Show’

While it’s been great to have Jon Stewart back behind the desk on The Daily Show after his summer movie-making hiatus I have to say I do miss the regular doses of John Oliver. That goofy-looking Brit and his Danger dance really grow on you.

Thankfully Stewart & Co. haven’t just hit the reset button. Instead they continue to reference what a spectacular job he did. Last night for instance they didn’t pass on the opportunity to springboard from praising the new Pope vs. the old Pope to making an analogy to Daily Show hosts, complete with Oliver blossoming into full-on Jon Stewart nemesis right before our eyes. That portion begins at the 3:30 mark.

Damn that’s just good creepy villain. If this doesn’t become a weekly thing I’ll be very disappointed.
