Watch Jason Sudeikis And Jimmy Fallon Rip Off ‘The Price Is Right’ For A Game Of ‘Drinko’

Wile promoting Sleeping with Other People, Jason Sudeikis joined Jimmy Fallon for a game of Drinko. For those of you who missed it when Paul Rudd gave the game a whirl, Drinko is a combination of classic ‘Price Is Right’ game of Plinko and beer pong, in which you drink a combination of whatever two drinks the Plinko tokens land in. From what I gather this go round, bubble tea does not mix well with Capri Sun or a wine spritzer. Also, this seems to be a very complicated excuse to drink alcohol on television.

Just as entertaining, if not more so, is this GIF of Sudeikis’ son Otis making his first dunk. No bubble tea required here.

(Via The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)
