Frank Underwood Quotes For When You Need To Talk Tough

House of Cards‘ Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) is a power hungry bastard masquerading (with less and less stealthiness) as a slick politician. The list of sins is long, the temper is short, and the virtue is almost non-existent after three seasons. But if there is one thing you have to give Underwood credit for, it is his ability to absolutely shut someone down in conversation. So, as you indulge in a Netflix binge of the 4th season of House of Cards this weekend, look back and appreciate Frank’s jaw-dropping aptitude for tough talk. Who knows, you might pick up a tip or two for those rare moments in life when you need to let someone know that you’re not messing around.

“I have zero tolerance for betrayal, which they will soon indelibly learn.” — Frank Underwood

I get the feeling that Frank Underwood probably has zero tolerance for a lot of things: mayo when he asked for no mayo, having to wait for the urinal at a game, people who use too many hashtags, etc. Toss this line out and people are sure to know that you mean business and it’s at their own peril should they cross you. That and that you really just need to learn to chill.

“I hear silence, I don’t like that sound.” — Frank Underwood

Frank Underwood makes it perfectly clear that he doesn’t have time for twiddling thumbs and stammering “Umms” when he ask a question. The man wants an answer and he wants it the second after he’s done asking the question. You should totally try this with your mom next time you call to see how she’s doing.

“This is the part where you leave.” — Frank Underwood

Frank Underwood is, essentially, a much older and more powerful version of Mean Girls’ Regina George, as is demonstrated by the way that he talks to the people around him. People can scream and shake their fists to demonstrate that they’re tough, but making someone feel utterly insignificant is a truly monstrous way of accomplishing that same thing. Also, this is not recommended for anyone who doesn’t want pee in their coffee on a daily basis.

“For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy. There is but one rule: hunt of be hunted. ” — Frank Underwood

As cultured and cultivated as Frank is, he never stops reminding viewers that he is a true animal capable of ripping someone’s face off (or having Doug Stamper do it for him). This quote serves as a reminder of that and the fact that Frank is always efforting to be the top dog in any scenario. You may use this when trying to psyche out your laser-tag opponents.

“Go f**k yourself.” — Frank Underwood

When Frank runs out of old timey quotes that he probably picked up from the Cracker Barrel in Gaffney he goes with a simple “F U, buddy.” It’s not exactly the most refined way to make yourself seem tough, and we certainly don’t advise you toss this around in your everyday social interactions. However, it definitely gets the point across.

“No” — Frank Underwood

You’ve undoubtedly said “No” millions of times over the span of your life, but how many times have you thrown out a Frank Underwood “No”? The shortest of quotes on our list, but also the most powerful, Frank’s “No” carries with it more weight than any presidential speech and is as defiant as an army of Spartans. He doesn’t blink or divert his eyes in even the slightest way. Like the sociopathic leader he is, he simply says “No” to whatever weapons his enemies try to hurl his way. That’s pretty damn tough.
