How Many Of These 71 Fictional Beers Would You Drink? (Answer: All Of Them)

You know what I could go for right now? A nice tall 40 of Rocket Fuel Malt Liquor. Or maybe a chilly can of Löbrau Beer. Or how about a frothy mug full of Romulan Ale? Unfortunately, though, I can’t: none of those beers are real — they’re from NewsRadio, Futurama, and Star Trek. Sigh. Well, looks like it’s another night spent drinking bad beer because WKRP in Cincinnati‘s Black Death Malt Liquor doesn’t exist. Yup, just a typical Thursday.

Anyway, check out Pop Chart Lab’s poster of 71 fictional beers from TV shows, movies, and video games…if you’ve come to terms with the fact that you’re never going to taste Flagler. Damn you, Tom Selleck.

(Enlargeable version here)

(Via Pop Chart Lab)
