Donald Trump Jr.’s ‘Very Fake News’ Fashion Choice Inspired People To Give Him A Makeover

Donald Trump Jr.’s supposedly running his father’s businesses while President Trump is Making America Great Again, but he’s still finding time to make headlines. Recently, he advocated for a Pizzagate truther to receive a Pulitzer Prize and posed for the New York Times in the most awkward “sitting” photo of all time. And on Saturday, Don Jr. tweeted a new photo that swiftly became all the rage. The image shows a poolside Don wearing a green t-shirt that reads, “Very Fake News.” This is, of course, a reference to his father’s anger-inspired label for CNN, which Trump Sr. amended with an adverb during an extra-combative press conference.

Trump Jr. is no stranger to upsetting people on Twitter. He once compared Syrian refugees to a bowl of Skittles and said that women who can’t handle sexual harassment “don’t belong in the workforce.” This t-shirt, however, has only amused folks, since Don has promised to “buy 5-10,000 of these to pass around to our buddies in the #MSM.” For now, however, he’s content to “model it” for everyone to appreciate.

As one can imagine, Don’s t-shirt modeling had the same effect as holding up a white sign in front of the Internet. He effectively broadcast a siren song for those who love Photoshop, and … this got downright brutal.

And yes, this spectacle inspired insults like the below entry, which could be considered cruel but arguably matches up to the original image in spirit.

Some people, however, decided to keep matters simple and nailed it. Sometimes, less is more, no?
