Kevin Smith Looks Weird After Shaving Off His Signature Beard

Kevin Smith’s power must be kept in his collection of hockey jerseys because it’s certainly not in his beard. The director shaved off his trademark beard seen above and is now sporting a smooth, baby-like look for Yoga Hosers, his newest film. He posted the new look to social media with the following caption:

Look at this goofy spaz. This is me, beardless, for the #YogaHosers green screen shoot. It’s a Face-Brazilian! — with Kevin Smith.

Is this the first time we’ve seen Kevin Smith without a beard? No. But is the first time he’s looked fairly normal without a beard. In this example, he looks more like the greasy guy criticizing your movie choices at Suncoast Video and hoarding the Dance Dance Revolution machine at the arcade once his shift is done. His newer shave makes him look like the guy from Blue Ruin.

(Via Kevin Smith)
