A California Teen Found Chicken Organs In His Meal At KFC And All He Wants Is A Refund

Well Cooked Poultry Safe Despite Bird Flu Fears
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When you go to eat at KFC, you usually don’t expect every part of the chicken to make their way into your meal. In fact, most probably expect some sort of laboratory creation that appears fried from birth, dripping with sauce. Sadly, that scenario will have to wait.

In this particular case, Stockton resident and KFC enthusiast Manuel Cobarubies found a bit more than he bargained for when he bit into his quick meal at his local Kentucky Fried Chicken. An alleged chicken brain. From Fox40:

Cobarubies said he usually stops at KFC on Martin Luther King Boulevard in Stockton. But his $4 set him back more than what he bargained for, “(It looked) like a brain to me. I mean at that point, red flags were kind of raised,” the teen told us.

He explained he found what looked like a brain alongside his chicken breast, thighs and corn. “I ended up spitting it in the trash can because I get grossed out by that,” he said. So the teen did what anyone his age would do – he tweeted at KFC for an explanation.

“I directly mentioned to them and a bunch of people started tagging them and I guess it kind of raised awareness to them when a lot of people started tagging them in my tweet,” he told us. That tweet made the internet rounds 226 times. He said KFC did contact him but other than a quick sorry he did not hear back as of Monday morning. All he wanted was a refund, “As far as what I paid for my meal because I mean my meal didn’t sit too well with me. I think that might be it.”


The only problem here is that this was not actually a chicken brain at all, at least according to local KFC consultant Richard Ramos:

Ramos said the brain is actually a kidney or a gizzard and is safe to eat.

OK, that’s a little less weird if you believe Ramos. People eat gizzards, It’s just not on the menu at KFC the last time we checked. The only thing that bothers me is how it almost seems like a dare. “Is safe to eat.” What are you waiting for?

Cobarubies got his lunch money back and all was well, except he might not be eating at KFC anytime in the near future. Who could blame him? Next time he shells out the cash, he might end up getting Chickenfoot or something worse.

(Via Fox 40)
