Respect The Shooter: Steve Kerr

Today’s you-know-who’s birthday, and for that we all wish you-know-who a happy big 5-0. However, while the leader of those Chicago Bulls teams remains unquestioned, it’s the role players who sometimes fail to receive the proper credit they deserve from time-to-time.

Like Steve Kerr, seen here at the 1997 Three Point Shootout he would eventually win, who is pretty f*ckin’ enjoyable in the announcing booth nowadays. Well, aside from that Johnny Football dry-snitching comment a few weeks back. All is forgiven. Those of us who grew up idolizing Jordan are forever indebted to Kerr for the waning moments of Game 6 of the ’97 Finals. Talk about a role player having balls on the biggest stage and moment possible.

And double kudos for having a sense of humor afterwards.
