Watch This Bad Mom Drop Her Own Child To Catch A Wedding Bouquet

Note: Some noted that this woman may be too vertically challenged to be a mother. A sibling perhaps?

This video illustrates just how wrong the tossing of a wedding bouquet can go. The whole myth of being “the next one” to marry after catching a handful of dead flowers? Silly. The act of dropping one’s child to catch the dead flowers? Dedicated yet insane.

The mother — if you can call her one — in this video didn’t think twice about dumping her toddler on the ground when the flowers came flying in her direction. The spectators appeared to find this incident hilarious; so they’re equally as wise as the woman who lined up to catch a bouquet without placing her child in the arms of a trusted friend or relative.

Somehow, no one was injured in the making of this video, but this lady dropped her kid and didn’t catch the bouquet in the end. She won’t be getting married again anytime soon, which is a pity. This poor little girl could use a responsible adult in her life.

(Via BroBible)
