Kellyanne Conway, who ran Donald Trump’s presidential bid from the beginning of August through the election on Tuesday, has been more visible than nearly any campaign staffer in recent memory. So it’s only natural that her future employment has become a topic of some interest among the press.
On Thursday morning, Gabriel Sherman, a reporter from New York Magazine, tweeted that two sources had told him Conway was reluctant to take a job in the upcoming Trump administration. (While Sherman’s sourced theorized that Conway might want to continue running her business, the press has in the past speculated about her allegiance to the Trump machine, even suggesting that she was positioning herself for future jobs while appearing on TV on the candidate’s behalf.)
Two sources say @KellyannePolls is saying privately she's reluctant to take administration job b/c she wants to keep running her business
— Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman) November 10, 2016
However, Conway shared Sherman’s tweet and, in the process, confirmed that she has indeed been offered a job in Trump’s White House; Sherman then clarified his reporting.
False. Could it be those "sources" want the WH job I've been offered? https://t.co/ZXJGUZm5Zz
— Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) November 10, 2016
No. They said you'd consider taking a really big WH job but you're reluctant to give up your biz
— Gabriel Sherman (@gabrielsherman) November 10, 2016
In August, Conway became Trump’s third campaign manager, following Corey Lewandowski and Paul Manafort. (Trump’s children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr. — as well as his son-in-law, Jared Kushner — are said to have unusual influence in campaign strategy as well.) By taking the position, Conway, whose background is in political polling and who had been working for a Super PAC associated with Ted Cruz, became the first woman to helm a Republican presidential campaign (and a successful one at that). In 1988, Susan Estrich became the first woman to serve as campaign manager for a major party, heading up the unsuccessful Michael Dukakis bid.
(Via The Hill)