‘Film Students Getting Punched in the Face.’


To be fair, I could’ve also done with “White Guys with Dreads Getting Punched in the Face,” “Guys Who Listen to Techno in Their Car Getting Punched in the Face,” “Meter Maids Getting Punched in the Face,” “DJs Getting Punched in the Face,” “Club Promoters Getting Punched in the Face,” “Television judges getting punched in the face,” “Kinko’s Employees Getting Punched in the Face,” “Time Warner Getting Punched in the Face,” “Congressional Aides Getting Punched in the Face,” “Kids Getting Punched in the Face,” “Adults Getting Punched in the Face,” “Harelips, Foreigners, Ethnic Types, Midgets, Gypsies, Cripples, and The Deaf Getting Punched in the Face,” “People with a Stupid Face Getting Punched in the Face,” “Animals Getting Punched in the Face,” or “Inanimate Objects That Resemble a Face Getting Punched in the Face,” just to name a few.  When it comes down to it, I think I just really like things getting punched in the face.

