Ja Rule pitched Geoffrey Zakarian a microwave cookbook of prison recipes

Ja Rule, who recently starred in I’m In Love With a Church Girl, which I will be posting a review of this afternoon, made an unexpected appearance on Geoffrey Zakarian’s Sirius show “Food Talk” yesterday. What did the rapping actor (raptor, for short) and the freakishly fastidious Iron Chef have to discuss? Well, Ja Rule’s idea for a microwave cookbook, for one (and probably bitches, but I’m only guessing).

From PageSix:

Zakarian was interviewing guests including Guy Fieri, Bobby Flay and Marcus Samuelsson during the New York City Wine & Food Festival when Rule rocked in. Like so many stars, Rule said he wants to write a cookbook. But in his case, all the dishes must be “microwavable.”

“He explained that while behind bars [for weapons possession and tax evasion] he learned to cook anything and everything in a microwave,” said a spy at the show, which airs Wednesday.

The rapper has said he cooked dishes including lasagna and cheesecake in a jail dorm.

Prison cheesecake actually featured prominently in Orange is the New Black, so this isn’t the first people have heard of it, and judging by the 1625 results for “microwave cookbook” on Amazon (this one‘s my favorite), neither is the idea of a microwave cookbook.

Still, Ja Rule and Guy Fieri in the same place? Is anyone else thinking what I’m thinking? BUDDY COP MOVIE! Guy Fieri could punch out bad dudes yelling “Welcome to flavor town!” And Geoffrey Zakarian would make a great villain, since he already seems like he was toilet trained at gun point by Nazis. With Scott Conant as his slovenly, onion-hating henchman.