8-Bit High Fashion – The Pixelated Looks of Kunihiko Morinaga

Looking for that special gift for your geeky girlfriend? Well unfortunately unless you can afford high fashion dresses this probably won’t help you out, but it is still something super cool to look at.

Kunihiko Morinage’s Low collection (as in low resolution) from Anrealage certainly seems to be inspired by vintage, 8-bit video games. So how do those old games translate into dresses, shoes and ties? Surprisingly well. I definitely would not mind wearing one of the ties.

Check out our favorite photos and let us know what you think in the comments.

Via Design Boom

Via Don’t Panic

Via Look in Art

Via Don’t Panic

Via Look in Art

Via Tokyo Fashion Diaries


Via Design Boom

Via Design Boom

Via Tokyo Fashion Diaries

Via Tokyo Fashion Diaries

Via Tokyo Fashion Diaries

Via Design Boom

Via Design Boom
