ASAP Rocky Makes Fighting Fans Hug It Out At His Show

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Rap concerts are basically anything-goes affairs. Everybody is fairly liberal with their smoking, there’s tons of drinking, people have a good time, even kids run around enjoying the festivities, and sometimes, folks even jump off of balconies. One of the more common occurrences at rap shows is fights, and the other night ASAP Rocky took an extremely proactive approach to mending differences after a fight at one of his shows.

Rocky spotted a fight going down in a mosh pit while he was performing and stopped his set to bring the combatants on stage and nip the whole situation in the bud right then and there. “Listen, at an A$AP show, y’all are considered family,” he told the fighting fans after asking their names and finding out one of them was underage. “You’re supposed to swing because you’re in a mosh pit, you’re supposed to come here to get out your anger in life, bro,” he told the fans before making them hug and squash their brief beef.

“You paid money to celebrate us and celebrate yourself,” Rocky continued. “This is culture. It’s not just music. I want you to know I love you. I want y’all to give dap and hug it out real quick.” Check out ASAP Rocky playing peacemaker below.
