‘Weekend Update’ brings Bill Cosby jokes and Charles Manson to ‘SNL’

Viewers expecting a full Bill Cosby-related sketch on Saturday (November 22) night's “SNL” were disappointed, but with NBC just pulling the plug on a Cosby pilot earlier this week, wounds may have been too fresh.

However, with the iconic comic facing an ever-growing number of accusations of sexual misconduct, “SNL” couldn't ignore the scandal entirely, so it was left to Michael Che on “Weekend Update” to address the Cosby situation with kid gloves.

“Cliff Huxtable practically raised me. I loved that dude,” Che said, while mentioning TVLand pulling “Cosby Show” reruns, but ignoring the in-house reaction. 

Ultimately, Cosby only warranted 30 seconds on tonight's “SNL,” which was significantly less time than the show gave to Taran Killam's Charles Manson and Kate McKinnon's sublime Angela Merkel.

It's worth it just to hear McKinnon say “resting bitch face” in a pseudo-German accent.

The Cosby bit and McKinnon's Merkel are in Part I of the “Weekend Update” clips:

And then Charles Manson and his new bride-to-be (played by the predictably nutty Cecily Strong) are in the second part of NBC's “Weekend Update” breakdown: