‘White House Down’ star Maggie Gyllenhaal discusses the indie/blockbuster divide

WASHINGTON, DC – Despite a resume that includes “World Trade Center” and “Mona Lisa Smile” and “Monster House” and a little sleeper called “The Dark Knight,” ones instinct is to associate Maggie Gyllenhaal more with smaller films like “Sherrybaby” or “Secretary.”
I sat down with Gyllenhaal at the Beltway junket for her new studio offering “White House Down” and asked if the indie/blockbuster binary is one that journalists harp on, or if it stays in her mind as well.
Gyllenhaal tells me why this was a logical project for her to choose, but when I suggested she may want to fire a rocket launcher in a hypothetical sequel, she suggested something very different she’d rather do instead.
I’ve already posted the TV-centric portion of my Gyllenhaal sit-down in which she strongly hinted she might be interested in a small screen project, just days before Sundance Channel officially announced her miniseries “The Honourable Woman.”
“White House Down” in now in theaters. You can also check out my chats with director Roland Emmerich and stars Jamie Foxx & Channing Tatum.