Links: Closest To The Actual Retail Price Without Stomping Over Wins


Challenge Accepted: The Best Of Your Excited Suh Photoshops – Some of these are truly inspired, especially Suh’s size-appropriate appearance on The Price Is Right. [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

Funny, Sexy and Awesome Cosplay Of The Week – General Beatrix wins this for the rest of time. I’d marry that girl if I thought she actually knew who that is. [Gamma Squad]

The Best Burger King Commercial Ever – You know what? Even I want to eat Burger King after watching this. [Warming Glow]

Holzerman Hungers – I wouldn’t eat anything on here (except the bean curd, pending), and he probably wouldn’t touch quinoa with a ten foot meat pole, but Tom Holzerman is a friend of the site and he wants you to check out his new food blog so we’re helping him out. [Holzerman Hungers]

GWAR Reviews War Horse – I don’t seem like the kind of guy who’d be into GWAR, I know, but sh*t, I’ll watch them review anything. And fight Tracy Smothers. [Film Drunk]

Run DMC’s ‘Christmas In Hollis’ Done In Emoticons – God bless you, internet. [Smoking Section]

Hungry African Bull Frog Not Amused By Smartphone Video Game, Enacts Vengeance – Sometimes I don’t have a blurb to write, and it’s because of titles like this. The guy trying to trick a damn frog deserved to lose a finger. [UPROXX]

MMA Video Tribute: The 25 Most Brutal Finishes Of 2011 – The koppo kick is probably my favorite thing in the world. Also, watching Anderson Silva nonchalantly kick guys in the chin never gets old. [Cage Potato]

Drew Brees, The Passing Record He’s About To Break, And What A Monster Season Looks Like – One day I’m going to sit Jon down and make him teach me how to make graphs. Then I will make so many graphs, you guys! [SB Nation]

WWE Superstars With Tiny Heads – I don’t know why this exists, but Jesus mother Mary of Joseph is John Cena’s neck terrifying in context. [Tauntr]
