Let’s Liveblog Monday’s Geeky TV: ‘Gotham’ Spins Up

Last week Gotham premiered, and it had Gordon selling his soul to be a cop again, which was a surprisingly compelling plotline as he accidentally killed a man, possibly screwed up his good thing with Leslie, and found his former captain Sarah Essen running the GCPD. Oh, his insane ex is also running around with a collection of Arkham nutballs, led by James Frain and his sister in a catsuit.

On top of that, there was more of Alfred’s adorably terrible parenting, as Bruce blew open the door to the future Batcave and found his dad’s secret work. This will apparently be keeping Bruce busy this season and out of Gordon’s hair, preparing for his inevitable trip to Europe for the next three seasons once they realize Alfred punching out crooks is more compelling.

Beyond that, we’ve discovered that Nygma has gone full Stefan Urquelle: Killing somebody last season has split his personality in twain, with the twitchy riddle side arguing with a suave, confident serial killer side. Meanwhile, Selina has become furniture for the Penguin. And they’re introducing even more characters tonight!

The liveblog shenanigans will start at 8 p.m. EST. Join us, won’t you?
