Disney’s Frozen is the 12th highest grossing movie of all-time, with a not-adjusted-for-inflation worldwide box office total of nearly $1.5 billion, which is also the number of “Let It Go” YouTube covers. I’m, alas, one of the three people who still hasn’t seen it (I didn’t want to be THAT GUY who goes to a weekday matinee showing of a kids film), but I might have to, after learning about these Arrested Development homages.
OK, so that’s a joke a lot of shows have done, but what about this one?
EGOT winner/Frozen composer Robert Lopez told EW that the sandwiches line was an “unconscious callback” to Arrested Development. He added, “I think [my wife Kristen Anderson-Lopez and I] had seen [that] episode once, and we did the joke, and realized that we had kind of made an homage. And then we tried to rewrite it, but we kept it because we couldn’t come up with anything better. Because Arrested Development is amazing.” Think it’s still a coincidence? Eh, let it go.