The 10 Best GIFs From Last Night’s NBC Comedies

Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls. Balls? Balls.

  • 30 Rock: Did anyone else feel like Bryan Cranston was misused? I liked this episode a lot, especially the return of Cooter Burger and everything having to do with Governor Dunston (even if he was a bit similar to John Slattery’s Steve Austin), but the Kenneth and Jenna plot never really landed for me. There wasn’t a strong enough pay-off for the likes of the new Mitch and Mickey, Cranston and Catherine O’Hara. Nice meth reference, though.
  • Up All Night: Does back-to-back strong(ish) episodes mean that I want more Up All Night and less Community? Haha, no, but at least “Jerry Duty,” terrible pun title aside, wasn’t half-bad. It was the first episode since the retooling where the show felt comfortable with itself. Christina Applegate, Will Arnett, and Maya Rudolph were as fine as ever, and I enjoy scream tag enthusiast Luka Jones, but hopefully Up All Night, assuming it finishes its season, has more episodes like this: low stakes, pleasant enough to spend time with until The Office is on.


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Combining the two Parcell family GIFs. BTW: totally “stole” that Ronald McDonald joke from It’s Always Sunny.
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And here’s your one GIF, Up All Night. ( )
