A Culinary Genius Is Selling A Pop-Tart-Stuffed Donut


Sometimes in the morning, you grab a quick breakfast on your way out the door. And that frosted Pop-Tart is a nostalgic delight, but if you’re anything like me, you’ve thought, “man, this would be better if it was jammed inside a donut and fried.” For the record, I’m pregnant. But I’d probably feel that way regardless.

Now, it’s more than a dream. San Diego’s Donut Bar has created, at last, a magical, wondrous combination of Pop-Tart and donut called the Big Poppa Tart Donut. According to USA Today, there’s an entire toaster pastry inside each donut.

Donut Bar also offers similarly life-altering donuts like Red Velvet Oreo, Maple Bacon Cinnamon Roll and Samoa. I want to live inside of it and become half human, half donut.

Donut Bar menu

Donut Bar

Source: USA Today

