Things Get Awkward When Megyn Kelly Is Lobbed A Sex Question On ‘Today’

Perhaps in an effort to spice up her declining ratings, on Thursday morning Megyn Kelly invited Dr. Holly Phillips, contributing editor of Prevention magazine onto her hour of Today to tackle health and sex questions. “The best time to get busy, is first thing in the morning,” read Phillips. “Is that true or false?” Not skipping a beat, Megyn Kelly, human woman with a totally normal sexual appetite, asked, “Does that mean like action? Is that what we’re talking about? What do we mean by ‘getting busy?'”

Aside from the fact that even the grandmothers in the audience almost definitely knew what she meant by “getting busy,” what in the … what was going on with Kelly’s pronunciation of the word “action?” Act-shion? Proving that it wasn’t a fluke, when Phillips answered, “We’re talking about … intimacy,” Kelly responded once again, “Oh, we’re talking about a little action.”

Digging herself even deeper, Kelly continued, “Best time to do it, like, for enjoyment? Or for what?” as the studio audience awkwardly started rumbling and giggling behind her. “Just … for why ever one would do it,” Phillips said, laughing. “There’s a best time?” interjected Kelly, baffled. “I’m gonna say this [holding up the false sign] because of this job.”

For what it’s worth, the answer turned about to be true, and while we’re at it, things are still going great on Megyn Kelly Today.
