Every Movie Could Benefit From These Actors Replaced By Cats

Do you know what every movie could really use more of? Dogs playing basketball. But if you can’t book Air Bud for your film, it could also benefit from the addition of cats. Ah yes, cats. The adorable ecological disaster who are sometimes lumbering dumbasses but are also great for a laugh (or for killing everything). And now a couple from Nottingham, England, are adding their four-year-old cats Willow and Tara to famous movie scenes for our amusement.

Metro UK reports:

Moviecats is the creation of Sarah, 23, and David, 30. David is a quizmaster for the Malt Cross in Nottingham, and decided to use a picture of his cat posing as ET in the film and TV round.

“It went down really well,” Sarah and David told metro.co.uk. “And we had a lot of fun doing it, so we thought we’d share our creations on the internet!”

David recommended the liberal use of treats if you want to get a cat to pose for the camera. David and Sarah are also planning to recreate more movie scenes for upcoming quiz bowls, but they can’t reveal which movies yet (probably because quiz bowl players are dirty cheaters, you heard me, Dave).

Willow and Tara have helped recreate five movie scenes so far, with E.T. seen above and a very memorable scene from Alien below:

They’ve also recreated Ghost, American Beauty, and The Shining.

Follow Movie Cats for more in the upcoming weeks.

(Via Movie Cats and Metro UK)
