Broken Lizard Is Crowdfunding ‘Super Troopers 2’ On Indiegogo Now

The other day, a movie writer I follow on Twitter teased some “big Broken Lizard news.” I asked if this would be yet another announcement that a “Super Troopers sequel is really happening for real this time for real we promise really!” I searched for past coverage of “Super Troopers sequel” and found this, this, this, and this. In November 2013, the story was that the Super Troopers 2 would “shoot before the end of the year.” Point is, we’ve heard that tune before.

The news this week is that the Broken Lizard gang has taken to IndieGogo to crowdfund the project, an idea that makes so much sense they probably should’ve done it two years ago.

Broken Lizard must raise a minimum of $2 million by Apr. 24.  If the funding goal is met, pre-production will begin in May, with principal photography starting this summer. However, if the $2 million minimum goal isn’t reached, the script goes back on the shelf, probably for good.

“We finally have the chance to make ‘Super Troopers 2.’ But since we refused to write a sequel where the highway cops have morphed into super hero-vampires, Fox Searchlight proposed the following deal: they’ll release the film, but we have to raise all of the money,” Chandrasekhar said. [TheWrap]

…the guys revealed that they hope to shoot this summer, and that the story picks up about a year after the events of the first film (there will be an acknowledgement that the guys have aged far more than a year). [Collider]

And here’s the other thing: to get Super Troopers 2 a wide release – to get it into a theater near YOU – we need to prove that there’s a real demand to see it, and not just a dozen stoners who keep asking for it over and over. [IndieGogo]

Judging by the fact that every time I write about Super Troopers 2, no matter how many damned times I’ve written about it before, it gets 12 billion shares, crowd-funding seems like the obvious direction to go here. I’m not sure it’s possible to recreate the magic of the original, but so many people are willing to believe, you might as well let them try. (*sigh*) If only I could Kickstart my own youth.

You can donate to the project and see all the cool perks here.