DINOBOTS! ‘Transformers: Age Of Extinction’ Expels A Super Bowl Spot

*Fart noise*

Paramount has released a brief Super Bowl teaser for Transformers: Age of Extinction. There’s no Shia LaBeouf in this one (as he is no longer famous). Instead, Mark Wahlberg plays an inventor — we’ll pause for a moment to let that sink in — who doesn’t approve of his daughter Nicola Peltz’s relationship with race car driver Jack Reynor.

As much as I want to make fart noises at this and joke about air conditioner attacks and about Michael Bay bombing at CES, the UK version of the spot has this:

A robot base-jumping with a gun in each hand? A f**king DINOBOT? Damn you, Michael Bay. Your enthusiasm for AWESOME things has won me over again. Put these Dinobots in my eyeholes immediately.

Transformers: Age of Extinction, opens June 27th, 2014.

Via Bleeding Cool and ENI.