Kate Spade Is Coming Out With A Line Of iPhone Charging Handbags

iphone battery

Cell phone charging has become the great dilemma of the 21st century. Trying to find a public electric outlet, with a dying phone battery, is enough to give any cell user a minor panic attack. According to Time, though, there is an answer for ladies on-the-go looking to save their sanity from a dead iPhone.

Kate Spade, the popular high-end purse and accessory designer, is teaming up with a company called Everpurse, to create stylish handbags that can also charge iPhones. The purses can stay charged for two days for regular iPhone use (regular being non-Kardashian users). The bags are pretty easy to power-up as well. The user simply places the bag on a charging mat that wirelessly charges the phone’s docking station inside the the purse. The handbags are currently compatible with iPhones 5 and 6.

The line of phone-friendly products won’t come cheap,though – with prices ranging from $198 to $700. Kate Spade is currently looking at a September release for the products.

Hopefully, the fellas will get some cool iPhone charging bags as well. Whatever you do, though, don’t call it a purse.

(Via Time, Chicago Tribune)