Bill Hader Had A Delightful Chat With Craig Ferguson About The Inspiration For Stefon And Everything Else

Of course CBS is meeting their weekly trolling quota and has only made one way-too-brief clip of Bill Hader and Craig Ferguson available on YouTube, but luckily for us the majority of the segment has been uploaded by some selfless web samaritan and is embedded below. It’s sans the most excellent To-Do List intro clip (did you know Bill’s wife is the director?), but to watch it all you have to do is go to the full episode on CBS’s website, click to the fourth segment, sit through 3-4 inordinately loud advertisements, and you’ll be there. Swear to god CBS I’m going to burn your digital department to the ground one day.

Back to the conversation between Bill and Craig below, it’s just a terrific discussion about swimming movies, the origins of Hader’s SNL characters (especially Stefon), what it’s like to write for South Park (spoiler: Matt and Trey make fun of you), and how much they both love Comic-Con (stick around for the mask talk). All leading up to an awkward “German” moment.

Late Late Show
