Justin Bieber Has Been Ordered To Undergo Anger Management Classes

Good news and bad news. I’ll give you the bad news first: Justin Bieber’s Miami drag racing case is expected to wrap up this afternoon, and Bieber is said to be accepting a plea deal for a lesser charge, escaping jail time. Boourns to that. However, when his lawyers appear before the judge today (Bieber is not expected to attend his own hearing) part of the deal he’s accepting will require him to take anger management classes. Aww, little man is going to have to learn how to control hims temper tantrums!

Anyway, here are some more details of the agreement, via The Miami Herald:

The state is expected to drop the DUI charge, and his lawyers will accept a guilty plea for careless driving and resisting an officer without violence, according to Miami Herald sources.

As part of the deal, the Biebs will have to attend a 12-hour anger-management course — private classes, because anything else would morph into a media-and-fan frenzy that would be distracting to other participants.

He’ll also have to view online videos that depict the stories of real-life, tragic DUI cases. The singer will also pay court fines and has agreed to a $50,000 charitable donation.

Well, I’m sure Bieber will handle his punishments with dignity and aplomb, because we all know how tactful he is when it comes to cooperating with authority. I expect this to go a lot like his deposition, only with maybe more “time outs.”