Want To See An Angry Mob Toss A Politician Into A Dumpster? Of Course You Do.

For as long as I can remember I’ve been saying that America would be better off as a nation if we as citizens took the time to toss more of our elected leaders into garbage dumpsters. Good to see the fine folks in the Ukraine are finally taking my advice.

Reports the Daily Mail:

Vitaly Zhuravsky, once a member of former President Viktor Yanukovich’s ruling party, was seized as he walked past crowds outside the parliament building in Kiev this morning.

Footage shows a group of men screaming abuse as they grab Zhuravsky and bundle him head first into the half full bin.

As he struggles to escape, one of the mob holds him down by the head while others throw water and rubbish over him.

Part of the “rubbish” the angry mob tossed on Zhuravsky — who earlier this year authored a bill designed to crack down down on political protesters –was an automobile tire. He’s lucky they didn’t set it on fire, as death by tire fire/dumpster fire sounds slightly below average.

(Via Deadspin)