Two Real Chimps Turned A Movie Screening Into ‘D’Awww Of The Planet Of The Apes’

So, who watched Dawn of the Planet of the Apes over the weekend? I thought it was pretty damn solid, but apparently I wasn’t getting the full Apes experience, because an audience in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina actually got the watch the movie with real apes in attendance. Two-year-old Vali and Sugrive, residents of Myrtle Beach Safari, got pretty into the proceedings, clapping, hooting and jeering the bad guys…

“He loves to clap – when he likes something he claps, so he clapped for the good guys, and when chimps don’t like what’s happening they hoot or bark, so when the bad guy came on he was barking.”

Jeez, keep it down in front. At least neither of them brought their monkey cell phones. Also, hopefully they didn’t get any clever ideas from the movie’s many scenes featuring apes menacingly wielding guns.

Here’s a short news story on the apes going to Apes. Apologies in advance for all the monkey puns and general morning newsiness…

Well, that was cute and all, but I think they should have given the theatre-goers a more authentic Planet of the Apes experience and just released a dozen cranky full-grown chimps in the theatre.

Via Laughing Squid