The Makers Of ‘Dying Light’ Have Released A Gross 3D-Printable Zombie Bikini Statue

Techland, the developers of Dead Island and the upcoming Dying Light have some, let’s say, interesting tastes. Back in 2013, they offered a weird, fairly revolting zombified female torso as part of a special edition version of Dead Island: Riptide

Looks like this poor girl’s breasts were undead long before the rest of her died. 

Eventually Dead Island publisher Deep Silver was forced to apologize for the statue and promised they’d never do anything like that again.

Welp, Dying Light isn’t being published by Deep Silver (Warner Bros. Is handling this game) and it looks like Techland is back to their nekkid zombie-lovin’ ways. The developer has released plans for a bikini-clad zombie figurine, which fans with 3D printers can print out, paint and keep on their shelves, assuming they’re okay with never inviting another human being to their place ever again. Here’s a look at the figurine…

There’s a limit to how much oozing you can do and still be sexy. 

At least she has a head and arms, but this figure’s weepy sores are particularly disgusting. The right side of Zombie Girl’s bikini drooping off her decomposing breast is also a delightful touch. Here’s a trailer showing the figurine being printed and painted, which is, admittedly, pretty neat.

Will Techland make a second publisher apologize for their undying love of zombie boobs? We shall see.

via Eurogamer