Can You Tell The Difference Between Henry Cavill And Clark Kent On The Set Of ‘Batman Vs. Superman’?

Groundbreaking news here with the big reveal of how Clark Kent will look in Batman Vs. Superman: We Gotta Get This Money. See if you can spot the difference between Henry Cavill and Clark Kent:

It’s amazing! The uncanny resemblance! You’d almost believe this was some masterful transformation before you quickly remembered that Clark Kent is the worst secret identity in comics history and seeing how Clark Kent will look in the films is a bit silly. That doesn’t stop the news from marching on though. From Hypable:

It’s exciting that we’re finally getting our first looks at Batman Vs Superman. We can’t wait to see Batman standing next to Superman, that should be one epic shot from the film.

This first look isn’t anything special, but it’s the first time we’re seeing Henry Cavill as Clark Kent since the ending of Man of Steel revealed the actor wearing his alter ego’s attire.

In recent Batman v Superman news, Oscar Award winning actress Holly Hunter recently joined the cast in an unknown role, as well as a fairly unknown actor Ray Fisher who has been cast as Cyborg.

Good to know we’ve got Cyborg cast now. This movie could be stuffed full of every bad idea DC Comics ever had and I still don’t think they’d feel it was a terrible idea.

Luckily the photo itself has a nice story behind it. Cavill is a supporter of the Royal Marines and the shirt he is holding in the image is for the Royal Marine 1664 Challenge:

In 2014 the Corps of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines will celebrate their 350th anniversary. To commemorate this date, Royal Marines Commandos will ski, sail, cycle, canoe and run 6656km (circa 4136 miles). The aim is to encapsulate the Commando spirit and Corps values in a significant physical and mental challenge.

In other news, I mowed my lawn today. I think I broke a sweat and I know it was really hot. I also didn’t take an allergy pill so I was sneezing up a storm. Let’s see a Royal Marine do any of that!

(Via RMCTF / Hypable / Royal Marines 1664 Challenge)