Meet The Woman Who Was Thrown In Jail For ‘Screaming And Shouting’ During Sex

This is Gemma Wale of South Heath, Birmingham in England. Wale was recently given a two-week prison sentence because she was “screaming and shouting whilst having sex.” It became so loud and obnoxious that one of Wale’s neighbors moved out.

“Sex so loud the neighbors moved out” sounds like the lyrics to a bad rap song.

One neighbour, who did not want to be named, said: ‘It was really loud sex … Difficult isn’t even the word to describe her.

‘It was actually the neighbours who got her evicted … we couldn’t stand it. She would have parties until 5am and then sleep all day.

‘I would hear her having sex and my children would, too. I used to have to turn the TV up.’

It appears Wale’s deafening ways went well beyond the bedroom. One neighbor said she saw a “man knocking and kicking at her front door while his brother was getting out of the back window.” The mother of two has been nicknamed the “neighbor from hell” as a result.

She was sent to jail on May 12th after refusing to show up for her court date – presumably because she was busy having loud sex and didn’t hear her alarm – or something like that.

[Daily Mail]