Watch This Police Officer Propose To His Teacher Girlfriend With Help From Her Class

Dain Metcalfe wanted to make his wedding proposal to his teacher girlfriend memorable, so he got a classroom full of her students to help.

Metcalfe is a police officer in Hawaii, and his girlfriend Auika Muragin is a teacher in Oregon. They have been in a long-distance relationship for eight months. When Metcalfe visited Muragin for her birthday, he decided the time was right to propose, and the place to do it was in Muragin’s classroom, with the assistance of her kindergarten class:

After Metcalfe talked to the students about his job as a police officer, he asked the students if they’d like to play a game (their cue to prep for the proposal).

In the game, Muragin was asked to close her eyes until otherwise directed by her students.  When she opened her eyes and turned around, her students held a sign that read, Ms. Auika, will you marry me?

Metcalfe confessed that he’s loved her since the first day he met her, and he said, “I knew that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life.” Muragin’s answer was a tearful “yes,” and the room broke into applause.

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Source: Elite Daily