The U.S. Treasury Is Going To Put A Woman On The $10 Bill In 2020

Alexander Hamilton on the 10
Shutterstock (original)

While the idea has been floating around for years, the United States Department of the Treasury has made it official: A woman’s face will be featured on the $10 bill. Treasury secretary Jack Lew says that the country’s money makers are going to really put some thought into this decision to make sure that the right woman is selected for this honor, and he’ll even be reaching out to the American public for ideas through the Twitter campaign #TheNew10. If I had to predict the responses he’ll receive, I’m guessing a lot of votes for Harriet Tubman and Eleanor Roosevelt and way too many votes for “Your mom.”

The $10 bill has featured Alexander Hamilton, America’s first secretary of the Treasury, since 1929. You might think that this is the second worst thing to ever happen to Hamilton, but according to USA Today, Hamilton will still be featured somewhere on the bill. Hopefully he’ll be hidden so finding him will become a fun game, like convincing your really stoned friends that by folding the $20 bill, you can see how the Illuminati warned us about 9/11.

While there is sure to be a mighty debate about the woman who deserves to be the new face of this note (go your mom!), and even which bill actually deserves to lose its masculine face, I believe that our friend Hokie Wartooth has already given us the perfect new design:

The new $10 bill will begin circulating in 2020, after the Treasury Department ensures that your idiot brother is unable to take it to Kinko’s and make some “pretty righteous” copies.