Peter Berg Went Full Marine Todd Meme Over Caitlyn Jenner’s ESPY

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Transgender acceptance is an important thing and a good thing, and long overdue, but I completely understand people’s knee-jerk reticence to see the positive in anything associated with the Kardashians. Believe me, I wish Mr. Angel got half as much attention as Caitlyn Jenner.

Now, for a slightly blunter opinion on the matter, we go to director/producer/actor Peter Berg (“Join the army, motherf*cker!”), whose take on Caitlyn Jenner winning the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPYs was so hot it went straight to Instagram (at least, we think it’s Peter Berg’s Instagram. The account is unverified, so I reached out to Berg’s publicists to confirm but they haven’t called back. But everyone from Variety to the Washington Post is treating it like it’s Berg’s, and even Berg’s cousin has responded to it like it’s Berg.).

The Ballers actor/executive producer shared a meme picture from a group apparently calling itself “Main Stream Media Sponsors Boycott” showing a side-by-side of Caitlyn Jenner and U.S. Army veteran Gregory D. Gadson, an Operation Iraqi Freedom vet and double amputee who also appeared in Battleship, along with the caption:

One Man traded 2 legs for the freedom of the other to trade 2 balls for 2 boobs. Guess which Man made the cover of Vanity Fair, was praised for his courage by President Obama and is to be honored with the “Arthur Ashe Courage Award” by ESPN?

To this PFT Commenter-esque screed Berg added simply, “Yep.”

There aren’t enough fire emojis in the world. I see Peter Berg has finally reached the “sharing right-wing Internet memes” stage of Dad-dom. I eagerly await the Peter Berg-directed Marine Todd movie.

Now, to anyone getting angry about the ESPYs: it’s the ESPYs. No one cares. Sports already has trophies, a championship, an MVP, and an all-star game for each sport, they don’t need an ersatz Oscars. So for anyone complaining about Caitlyn Jenner winning an award… shut up. Aside from being a dick, you’re complaining about the equivalent of Josh Gad not winning best Photobomb at the MTV Podcast Awards. Can you name the last five winners of the Arthur Ashe Courage Award? I can’t name one. So maybe let this one go, and save the outrage for when Caitlyn Jenner wins the Medal of Honor or a Nobel Peace Prize.

“My buddies didn’t die face down in the muck so that son of a bitch C-Tates could win a hottest abs award, that’s for God damned sure!”