Donald Trump Will Not Tolerate ‘Disgraceful’ Women Who Wish To Breastfeed

Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Warren, Michigan
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Donald Trump focuses on important things during this presidential race. The man is occupied with contemplating a running mate to help him ruin the United States. He’s also coping with Ivana Trump’s pesky rape allegations that have seemingly blown over with no consequence.

Trump does not have time for breastfeeding or women who breastfeed. On Wednesday, the media lit up with news of Trump’s “absolute meltdown” of 2011. Attorney Elizabeth Beck wished to break during a deposition to pump milk in privacy. She says Trump had an “absolute meltdown” over the mere mention of milk and boobs: “He got up, his face got red, he shook his finger at me and he screamed, ‘You’re disgusting, you’re disgusting,’ and he ran out of there.”

We can gather that Trump is a fan of formula.

Beck’s revelation came with a prior agreement from Team Trump. She was scheduled to break, but Donald couldn’t cope. Speaking with CNN in the above video, Trump didn’t exactly deny freaking out over the Beck’s request, but he said, “I don’t blow up.” Trump also called Beck a “terrible attorney” and “disgraceful.” Trump’s version of events is that Beck “wanted to pump in front of me,” and she’s a “vicious, horrible person” who only wants to bring Trump down when Trump is trying to win an election.

Trump doesn’t have time for silly, breastfeeding women. Why won’t you let Trump be great?

(Via Mediaite and CNN)