Spider-Man Has Already Shot His Cameo In ‘Captain America: Civil War’

No sooner did we find out who Spider-Man will be next than he’s already at work. According to the writers of the upcoming Spidey reboot, he’s already shot his cameo.

The revelation was buried in a discussion of Chris Hemsworth’s pants hammer. Curiously, we may only be seeing Peter Parker, not Spider-Man: The team notes that we might not see the suit in the cameo, which makes sense as they’re probably still designing it. They also shot down that rumored cast list, which means we won’t see f*ckin’ Larry as the Scorpion. Thank God. Screw Larry.

This does raise the question of what, exactly, Spidey will do though. Clearly not much, although there is a long tradition of Peter accidentally using his powers while in public and short a mask. But at least we know Tom Holland has the moves if he needs them. The question of whether he can improvise wisecracks, however, remains open.

(Via Coming Soon)