Hellboy Needs A Doctor In This Exclusive Preview Of This Week’s ‘Hellboy In Hell’

Hellboy died saving England four years ago, and Mike Mignola was insistent he wasn’t just going to have some cheap resurrection. And he was being honest: If Hellboy is resurrected at all, it’s going to be expensive, as we see in the current series Hellboy In Hell.

The plot of Hellboy in Hell would seem to be self-explanatory, but it’s a bit more complicated than just Hellboy punching demons. In fact, Hellboy doesn’t do a lot of punching. Unsurprisingly, the news that the demon who had bumped off so many other demons was arriving in Hell has meant that most of Hell’s denizens have packed up shop and headed as far away from Anung Un Rama as they can get.

But that doesn’t mean everybody’s left; there are plenty of damned souls and demons wandering around. And it also doesn’t mean Hellboy’s problems are over yet, either, as we see in this exclusive extended preview:

Hellboy In Hell #7 will be on stands and available digitally this Wednesday.